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Apex Legends Chair + Spoofer/Blocker
Product in Apex Legends
✅ Supports Windows 10 & 11 and Win 23H2 (NOT compatible with 11 24h2)
✅ HWID Spoofer Included
- Borderless works best
Aimbot Features:
Highly Configurable Aim Bone Selection
Select Multiple Bones at Once for Varied Hits
Full Adjusting FOV (Filed of View)
Adjust Aim Speed to look more legit
Visibility & Team Checks
Full Aim Adjustment
Automatic Hitscan Selection – Aim at the nearest visible bone
Aimbot Prediction
Dynamic FOV that adjusts while aiming down sight or hipfiring
Customize Settings Per Weapon[ESP & Wallhack]
Distance ESP
Team Checks
Player Names
Glowing Chams ESP
Aimbot FOV
Super Chams
Highly configurable color palate. Set custom colors for all ESP components
Head Box ESP[Misc]
Stream Mode (Hide Menu Overlay)
Draw Item Icons
Draw Loot Icons
Full Weapon and Loot ESP
Set custom distance to icons
Save All Settings
Load All Settings
Customizable colors
Additional Settings:
• Set FPS for Menu: Customize the menu’s frame rate for smoother navigation
Please remember: there's always a risk of detection at any given time from any cheat in the world.
20.00 USD -
Fortnite Chair + Spoofer/Blocker
Product in Fortnite
Best Fortnite Cheat & Spoofer Combo
Use the spoofer to play on Fortnite without worrying.
- Protects your PC
- Change your hardware serials
- Get back on Fortnite if you are HWID banned
- Easy to do and safe (full instructions provided)GENERAL INFORMATION
- Fully Compatible with All Windows 10 Versions
- Supported on All Windows 11 Versions (Excluding 24H2 Update)
- Compatible with All Motherboards
- Supports Intel and AMD CPUs
- Fully Controller Supported---
- Mouse-Controlled Aim
- Target Memory Aim
- Visibility Check
- Movement Prediction
- FOV Display
- Adjustable FOV Radius
- Adjustable Aim Smoothness
- Max Distance Limiter
- Target Bone Selection (Closest / Head / Neck / Pelvis)
- Configurable Aim Key
- Custom FOV Circle Color---
- Toggle On/Off
- Adjustable FOV Radius
- Max Distance Customization
- Target Bone Selection (Closest / Head / Neck / Pelvis)
- Configurable Aim Key
- Custom FOV Circle Color---
- Player Box (Outlined / Cornered / Shadowed)
- Skeleton Overlay
- Display Player Name
- Show Player Distance
- Weapon Information Display
- Platform Indicator
- Rank Indicator
- Snap Lines to Players
- Highlight Bots
- Team Detection
- Custom Invisible Player Color
- Custom Skeleton Color
- Adjustable Skeleton Line Thickness
- Max Distance Adjustment---
(Player ESP)
- Toggle On/Off
- Highlight Ammo Boxes
- Vehicle Indicators
- Loot Display
- Llama Detection---
- Crosshair Overlay
- Stream-Safe Mode
- Debugging Tools
- Configuration System (Load & Save Settings)Provided instructions and download will be sent to your email automatically after purchasing
20.00 USD - Earlier
Fusion External + Spoofer/Blocker
Product in Call of Duty
Fusion Black Ops 6 and Warzone External Cheat Including HWID Spoofer Blocker
✅ Works on Black Ops 6 All Game Modes Including Zombies
✅ Works on Warzone All Game Modes
✅ Supports XBOX Gamepass, Steam and Battlenet
✅ Supports Windows 10 & 11 and Win 24H2 (NOT compatible with 11 24h2)
✅ Controller Supported with 3rd Party Software
✅ HWID Spoofer Blocker Included
- Borderless works best
Aimbot Features:
• AimBot: Automatically locks onto enemies for precise targeting.
• Aim Bind: Assign a key to activate the aimbot at your convenience.
• Aim Randomization: Adds slight randomness to shots for a more natural feel.
• Custom Distance: Set the range at which the aimbot targets enemies.
• Custom Smoothing: Adjust the aiming speed for smoother, more controlled movement.
• Disable on Kill Toggle: Automatically disables aimbot after eliminating an enemy.
• Aim at Downed Toggle: Option to target downed enemies in Black Ops 6 game modes.
• Aim at Friendly Toggle: Prevents aimbot from targeting teammates.
• Aim at AI Toggle: Enables aimbot for AI-controlled enemies.
• Override Key: Assign an extra key for full control over the aimbot.
• Visibility Check: Ensures aimbot only targets enemies in your line of sight.
• Custom Aim Bones: Choose specific body parts for the aimbot to target.
• Custom Aim Target: Define your own target priorities for the aimbot.
• FOV Size: Adjust the field of view for the aimbot’s operational area.
• FOV Color: Customize the color of the aimbot’s field of view for better visibility.
• Set Smooth for All Guns: Apply smoothness settings to all weapons uniformly.
ESP Features:
• Box ESP: Highlights enemies in BO6 with a box for easier detection.
• Name ESP: Displays enemy names on-screen.
• Weapon ESP: Shows which weapons enemies are carrying.
• Distance ESP: Displays the distance between you and the enemy.
• Kills ESP: Shows the number of kills each enemy has in Black Ops 6.
• Health ESP: Allows you to see enemy health levels.
• Skeleton ESP: Displays enemy skeleton structures for enhanced visibility.
• Aim Target ESP: Indicates which enemy the aimbot is currently locked onto.
• Loot ESP: Highlights valuable loot on the map for easy collection.
• Stream Proof: Hides ESP features during live streams.
• Radar (Unlimited UAV): Provides unlimited UAV radar for constant awareness.
• Player List & More: A comprehensive player list with additional controls.
Additional Settings:
• Set FPS for Menu: Customize the menu’s frame rate for smoother navigation
Please remember: there's always a risk of detection at any given time from any cheat in the world.
Note: if you are getting sms verification straight after getting shadowban, this means you have previous tracers on your system of another product. Get your pc unbanned and you will never have the issue again. You can buy the PC unban here:
20.00 USD -
XZ Internal + Spoofer/Blocker
Product in Call of Duty
Compatible Operating Systems: Windows 10 & 11 (ALL Versions except Windows 11 24h2)
Controller Compatible with Aimbot: Yes, and it's Native so no need to install any other software to use
Aimbot Tab
Aimbot Settings
Aimbot Type (Normal, Silent)
Use Aim Key (Select a key)
Aim at Team
Ignore Downed
Target Mode
Max Distance (0-300m)Bone Settings
Target Bone (Helmet, Head, Neck, Spine, Spine Upper & Lower)
Bone Scan
FOV Settings
FOV Check
Hide FOV Circle
FOV Radius (0-500)
Scale on ADS (Static or Dynamic)Smooth Settings
Smooth (0-200%)ESP Tab
Players & AI ESP Settings
Box Type (2D, 3D)
Weapon NameLoot ESP Settings
Draw Loot
Filled Box
Draw Explosives
Draw VehiclesChams Tab
Players & AI
Outline Only
Outline Width (1-15)
Visuals Tab
Crosshair Settings
Crosshair (on/off)Radar Settings
Size (5-30)Bullet Hit Tracers
Removals Tab
No Recoil
Misc Tab
Enable FOV Scale (puts you at over 200 fov)
Third Person
Settings Tab
Max Distances (ESP & Chams)
Players & AI & Vehicle
Config Tab
Create Config
Select Config
Load Config
Save Config & Name Config
Screenshots CleanedThe best public cheat available for Black Ops 6 is known everywhere, GOD Black Ops 6 Cheats! It's mentioned by top YouTube content creators like BadBoyBeaman, and others showing top streamers using our BO6 cheats. Our cheat also supports zombies and also includes a spoofer blocker built in and unlock all in game! Our GOD bundle allows you to play on Black Ops 6 , all in one package! Works on XBOX Gamepass, Steam and Battlenet.
20.00 USD